segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009

Verb ("to be")

Person              Singular               Plural

first                  I am                    we are

second            you are               you are

third                he is                   they are

third                it is

third              she is

Verb ("to work")

Person       Singular         Plural

first             I  work        we work

second       you work     you work

third           he work    they work

third          it   works

third         she works

Pronouns with the verb ("to be")

(Pronoun) verb

I am a man.

You are tired.

 He is a boy.

She is a girl.

It is small.

We are Germans.

They are happy.

Pronouns with the verb ("to talk")

(Pronoun) verb

I talk to my mother.

You talk to the teacher.He talks to the boy.

She talks to the girl.

He talks to girlfriend.

It talks to the people. 

We talk to the students.

 They talk to childrens.

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