segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

Alunos (as) 3º Ano A Ramacciotti. Either e neither

Either e neither podem ser utilizados da seguinte maneira:
John can write with either hand. (O John consegue escrever com ambas as mãos).

either: ambos, tanto um(a) quanto o(a) outro(a).

Neither of them could speak japanese. (Nenhum deles conseguia falar japonês).
neither: nem um(a) nem outro(a), nenhum(a) dos(as) dois(as).

Either e neither também podem ser utilizados em conjunto com or e nor, respectivamente, para formarem as seguintes sentenças:

You can do the dishes either now or tomorrow morning. (Você pode lavar a louça ou agora ou amanhã pela manhã).

either.. or.. = ou.. ou...

Neither Jim nor Bruce came to the party. (Nem o Jim nem o Bruce vieram para a festa).

neither... nor.. = nem.. nem...

segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009


Pronouns are words like I, me (personal pronouns) or my, mine (possessive pronouns).

Pronomes são palavras como: Eu, mim (personal pronouns) e meu, minha (Pronomes possessivos)
          Personal Pronouns                 
subject form       object form       
        I          =>      me 
       you       =>      you
       he         =>      him
       she        =>      her
       it           =>      it
      we         =>      us
      you        =>      you
      they       =>      them

 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
possessive adjective     possessive pronoun        Reflexive Pronouns my                 =>            mine                               myself
your               =>            yours                              yourself
his                  =>            his                                  himself her                 =>            hers                                herself
its                  =>             its                                   itself
our                =>             ours                               ourselves  
your              =>             yours                             yourselves
their              =>             theirs                              themselves

Atençaõ Exercicios 1º B,C,D,E,F,G,H,

Passive Voice - Exercises on Form

1) Write passive sentences in Simple Past.(Escreva a sentença na passiva com o verb to be (past) passado)

1. the test / write/ me

The test was written by me.

2. the table / set/ them

3. the cat / feed/ Mary

4. the work/make/us

5. the house / build/him

6. dinner / serve/ waiter

7. this computer / sell / not/ her

8. the car / stop / not/guard

9. the tables / clean / not /mary and Angie

10. the children / help / ´mother

Active and Passive Voice - Exercises on Form

1) Rewrite as sentences Active voice to passive voice  in Simple Past.(Reescreva as sentenças da voz ativa para a voz passiva);

1. She sang a song. – (Ela cantou uma canção(

2. Anny washed the clothes. (Anny lavou as roupas)

3. We stopped the bus. – (Nós paramos o onibus)

4. A thief stole my car. – (Um ladrão roubou meu carro)

5. I sell the computer. (Eu vendi o computador)


Voz Passiva  = Passive Voice

Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on.


Active: Rita wrote a letter to me. (Rita escreveu uma carta para mim)

Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita. (Uma carta foi escrita para mim por Rita.)


Simple Present Active: Rita writes a letter.

Passive: A letter is written by Rita.

Simple Past Active: Rita wrote a letter.

Passive: A letter was written by Rita.


quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

Exercises 8 serie

Present Progressive - Form

Exercise on affirmative sentences
Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

1.I / to read a book - ______________________________Exemplo: I am reading a book. / to rain - ____________________________________

3.he / to repair his bike - __________________________________--

4.they / to watch a film - ___________________________________-

5.the cat /to sleep on the chair - ____________________________________

6.Jane and Emily / to do their homework - ____________________________________

7.Bill / to wait at the bus stop - ______________________________________________

8.we / to listen to the radio - ________________________________________________

9.the children / to play a game - ______________________________________________

10.Laura / to walk the dog - _______________________________________________

ATENÇÃO 8 Serie Ramaccioti) Fazer execicios e me enviar.

Present Progressive – Introduction

The present progressive puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action. The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only for a short period of time. It is also used to express development and actions that are arranged for the near future.

Present progressive is also known as present continuous.

Present Progressive – Form

Use a form of to be and the infinite verb plus -ing.


am with the personal pronoun I

is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or the singular form of nouns)

are with the personal pronouns you, we, they (or the plural form of nouns)

affirmative negative question

I I am playing. I am not playing. Am I playing?

he, she, it He is playing. He is not playing. Is he playing?

you, we, they You are playing. You are not playing. Are you playing?

Tips on how to form negative sentences and questions

Animation: negative sentences and questions

In negative sentences, we put not between the form of be and the verb.

In questions, we simply swop the places of subject and the form of be.

ATENÇÃO 5 série B (fazer exercicios e me enviar)

Exercise on Pronouns “Personal Pronouns – Subject”
Preencha as lacunas com os pronomes pessoais .
1. My name is Sue. (Sue)______I______________ am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie)_____________________ is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad)_____________________ is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon)_______________ is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) ________________________are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy.__________________ (Judy) is two years od.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob)__________________ live in Canterbury. 8. (Canterbury) _________________________is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _______________________often come and see us.
10. What can (*)_____________________tell me about your family?